And another thing- This is impossible to play without a mouse, so if you don't have one, start lifting five pound weights with your index finger because god knows you're going to want it if you're using a touchpad.
I got Fear ending lol, thanks a lot for making this game, i evading to play it since didnt know what is going be in there and like an hour ago i seen "gore warning" and i was yeaaaaaaaaah that mine kind of thing but it turnd out better than i expected. 5/5
The game looks fun, but when I enter the game, the screen is zoomed in, making it impossible for me to open the recipe book and get some ingredients. I've tried looking everywhere but I can't find anyone talking about it. Does anyone know what to do?
Hello! Very sorry to hear about that! I know that if your computer has a screen resolution of less than 1920 x 1080, some things will be cut off in the fullscreened version of the game! I think changing your aspect ratio will help! If you make it fit to the width of your screen rather than the height, that should make the game scale properly! If not, please let me know and I will look into this for the upcoming update!
Oh gosh! Does it cut off in the windowed version on the Web build as well? We're currently working on creating a proper settings menu to adjust the resolution of the game, but unfortunately I'm not quite sure how the other user solved the issue from their side! Very sorry!
For the dev, you should check play store, there are many copy cat, they use Bonnie's bakery as title, and they steal your thumbnail as their thumbnail in play store, so maybe you should strike them so google take it down, or maybe you can consider making an Android port
Wonderful game, my only complaint is that unless you finish the game in one playthrough, you have to go through the baking bit each time you want to get to the interesting part, and every time I play, I end up quitting the game early on because the beginning is so tedious.
When you got to the second part, did you restart to the first part after dying? The game is built so that when you get to the second part and died, you'd restart in the beginning of the second part. (Unless if you meant that you were trying to get the different endings each time, in which case, the cooking score is tied to the endings. We're making an update to the main game that'll make the cooking part less tedious if you don't care much for what ending you get, so look out for that)
Yes, but I have a short attention span so I closed the game after dying a couple times, and when I came back I had to play through the baking part again.
Ahh, ok. Welp, once the main game update happens (should be soon, fingers crossed) instead of losing points when you fail a customer, you lose 30 seconds (the first half is 5 minutes). So, you'll basically only have to serve one customer right and fail the rest to get there quickly. There is also other quality of life changes for the first part that should improve the experience (and the tutorial will be updated accordingly).
so i finished palying the game got all ending and truly it just great i find the game amazing original great and the 3D part got of suprised me didn't expect that and also the endign and the story it so great cause first it's amazing than there is multiple ending i tought that there was only one ending but i was wrong so also heard there was a DLC so can't wait to play it and know more about the game
also the game scared me so much than when doing the first ending i did i tried my best to not get catch by bonnie's so sometime i just stayed in the cage to wait she far away to come out
so overall great game cool story great job for the whole team behind that game
I LOVE games like this that may or may not have something to hide! Took me a long time and a little frustration with myself to get all the endings, but I managed to do it! Very well executed twist, and interesting endings as well! Great work!
What a sweet game! Loved the whole bakery sim! I also loved the simulation of being one of the ingredients, was definitely a game changer! Hope you enjoy the video I baked up for you!
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I'm losing my voice from these scary games... what a TWIST!!
Here is my review
Was Anyone Else So SLOW THAT THEY COULD'NT COMPLETE THE GOD DAMN LUNCH RUSH?!?!?!?!?!?!? GRrhiyefojenhfwj;kwje
bonnie? explain what the bingus ending told me after i "talked" to the customers and never got them their food?
Great game with it's 2 "dimensions" of gameplay. The cute hiding horror never gets old. Thanks for making this game! Check out my playthrough here
amei como o jogo e feito pensei q a bonnie era a boazinha mas ela so q mata agnt msm ;--;
"Meet?" Isn't that a spel-
Hold on, "ME-et."
uh oh
And another thing- This is impossible to play without a mouse, so if you don't have one, start lifting five pound weights with your index finger because god knows you're going to want it if you're using a touchpad.
Dam bro i didnt even notice the spellling mistake.....
I honestly do love this game. It kinda has a Cupcakes HD feel
también puedes hacerlo en español por favor
I got Fear ending lol, thanks a lot for making this game, i evading to play it since didnt know what is going be in there and like an hour ago i seen "gore warning" and i was yeaaaaaaaaah that mine kind of thing but it turnd out better than i expected. 5/5
This isn’t a rage game but I got so mad by the end of it because reasons completely in my control lmao. Great game!
Helpppp Someone Tell Me what to do so when I was in lunch rush the game stop and when I reset it's brought me back again to start
for some reason i can't make a white dount, like i make the dount mold and everthing but when im puting the white on it it dosent work
Oh! For the white donut, are you baking the donut before putting the white on it?
oh no I forgot
The circle cutter item kept disapearing, stopping me from being able to finish the game
Ah! That is definitely a big issue! Does it disappear consistently when trying to cut the dough, or just every so often?
just sometimes it would glitch out- It might be because I had full PC memory
Oh I see! Thank you for notifying us!
Hello! Very sorry to hear about that! I know that if your computer has a screen resolution of less than 1920 x 1080, some things will be cut off in the fullscreened version of the game! I think changing your aspect ratio will help! If you make it fit to the width of your screen rather than the height, that should make the game scale properly! If not, please let me know and I will look into this for the upcoming update!
Oh gosh! Does it cut off in the windowed version on the Web build as well? We're currently working on creating a proper settings menu to adjust the resolution of the game, but unfortunately I'm not quite sure how the other user solved the issue from their side! Very sorry!
For the dev, you should check play store, there are many copy cat, they use Bonnie's bakery as title, and they steal your thumbnail as their thumbnail in play store, so maybe you should strike them so google take it down, or maybe you can consider making an Android port
Hello, we are trying to remove the bootlegs. We are also currently working on the mobile port, but it isn't finished yet!
love it excepttt it only runs for me whens it 3 pm and 3 am....
didnt expect that doing literally nothing would result in a different ending
This game wasnt what i expected.....shes a great baker tho :>
Wonderful game, my only complaint is that unless you finish the game in one playthrough, you have to go through the baking bit each time you want to get to the interesting part, and every time I play, I end up quitting the game early on because the beginning is so tedious.
When you got to the second part, did you restart to the first part after dying? The game is built so that when you get to the second part and died, you'd restart in the beginning of the second part. (Unless if you meant that you were trying to get the different endings each time, in which case, the cooking score is tied to the endings. We're making an update to the main game that'll make the cooking part less tedious if you don't care much for what ending you get, so look out for that)
Yes, but I have a short attention span so I closed the game after dying a couple times, and when I came back I had to play through the baking part again.
Ahh, ok. Welp, once the main game update happens (should be soon, fingers crossed) instead of losing points when you fail a customer, you lose 30 seconds (the first half is 5 minutes). So, you'll basically only have to serve one customer right and fail the rest to get there quickly. There is also other quality of life changes for the first part that should improve the experience (and the tutorial will be updated accordingly).
It’s looks innocent & sweet until you realise what’s happening…
A really fun sim type game with... something hidden behind the scenes... love it!
Absolutely loved it, and the twist got me gooooood. You guys did a great job with this game!
It was fun but I couldn't get any ending other than the bingus ending
I love the bingus ending AND I JUST DOWNLOADED IT!!!!!
so i finished palying the game got all ending and truly it just great i find the game amazing original great and the 3D part got of suprised me didn't expect that and also the endign and the story it so great cause first it's amazing than there is multiple ending i tought that there was only one ending but i was wrong so also heard there was a DLC so can't wait to play it and know more about the game
also the game scared me so much than when doing the first ending i did i tried my best to not get catch by bonnie's so sometime i just stayed in the cage to wait she far away to come out
so overall great game cool story great job for the whole team behind that game
The food looks so delicious!
What a sweet game! Loved the whole bakery sim! I also loved the simulation of being one of the ingredients, was definitely a game changer! Hope you enjoy the video I baked up for you!
Nice needed something wholesome :)) 10/10
i love this game 10/10!
i got the bingus ending